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Coal Inspectorate | Alert | No.450 V 1 | 30 July 2024

Vehicle fault causing smoke at underground coal mines

What happened?

There have been two similar incidents in recent months at Queensland underground coal mines where smoke has started to come from a dry scrubber load haul dump (LHD).

No one was injured in these incidents but there is a serious risk that these machines - which are used throughout underground coal mining in Queensland - can catch on fire.

Key issues


Investigations are ongoing and further information may be published as it becomes available. The information in this publication is what is known at the time of writing.

We issue Safety Notices to draw attention to the occurrence of a serious incident, raise awareness of risks, and prompt assessment of your existing controls.

References and further information

Recognised Standard 3: Explosion protected diesel engines

Authorised by Jacques le Roux - Chief Inspector – Coal

Contact: Mick Scully, Inspector of Mines , +61 7 3199 8001

Issued by Resources Safety & Health Queensland

Safety: This information is a guide only and is issued to promote safety through experience. It is not to be taken as a statement of law and must not be construed to waive or modify any legal obligation.
Placement: Place this announcement on noticeboards and ensure all relevant people in your organisation receive a copy.

All information on this page (Vehicle fault causing smoke at underground coal mines - is correct as of time of printing (Oct 16, 2024 6:05 pm).