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Mines safety bulletin no. 181 | 09 April 2019 | Version 1

Using non-slewing mobile cranes


Non-slewing mobile cranes continue to be involved in incidents in the Queensland mining and quarrying industry. They are used regularly around sites and have particular hazards associated with them such as:

This document provides guidance for when lift plans should be established or considered in order for the risks to be as low as reasonably achievable.

Lift plans
A documented lift plan should be established when:

A documented lift plan should be considered when:

The template for the lift plan should have provision for documenting the following:

Irrespective of when or who developed the lift plan, it must be reviewed and signed off by all the workers involved in the lift on the day and by the person supervising the lift.

Single point attachment on the hook

Following the introduction of soft slings, one disadvantage emerged - soft slings have no master link. If the risk of a sling detaching from the hook is to be as low as reasonably achievable, there must be a single attachment on the hook. This is easily accomplished by placing the soft slings onto a bow shackle and then placing a bow shackle on the hook with the pin of the bow shackle resting on the hook as shown in the image.
There will be rare occasions when there is limited height available and the only way to minimise the height is to not use a bow shackle.  In these circumstances, irrespective of the mass of the load, a lift plan should be developed.

Function of safety catch
The safety catch is not designed to take any load.  The purpose of the safety catch is to prevent an unloaded attachment on the hook from coming off the hook.

Drop zones

A drop zone is an area where there is a risk of injury due to a failure of the attachment of the load to the hook, an object falling from the load or a detachment from the hook.  The drop zone moves with the load.  Workers most at risk are doggers.

Strategies that assist in minimising the exposure to the drop zone are:

Exclusion zones
The purpose of an exclusion zone is to keep workers who are not involved in lifting or lowering a load out of the area.  For instance the zone would include lifting a load from one location and setting it down at a different location.  The zone should have clearly defined boundaries.

Entrapment and impact zones
Loads can swing wildly and suddenly like a pendulum, entrapping and/or impacting a worker.  Controlling the load has to be effective under the following circumstances:

Authorised by Luca Rocchi - Chief Inspector of Mines

Contact: Richard Horsburgh, Authorised Officer , +61 7 4028 5623

Issued by Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy

Placement: Place this announcement on noticeboards and ensure all relevant people in your organisation receive a copy.

All information on this page (Using non-slewing mobile cranes - is correct as of time of printing (Jul 4, 2024 10:39 pm).