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Explosives information bulletin no. 10 | 31 August 2017 | Version 7

Authorisation of explosives and trials of unauthorised/prohibited explosives in Queensland

This bulletin is intended for anyone involved in authorising an explosive, amending an authorisation, approving or extending a trial of an unauthorised or prohibited explosive or extending the life of an out of specification explosive.

It does not apply to licences or permits to import, export, manufacture, sell or use explosives, or other activities involving explosives.

Find out more about explosives in Queensland.

You may also refer to:

To apply for authorisation of an explosive, amendment of an authorised explosive, trial of an unauthorised/prohibited explosive or extension of trial of an unauthorised/prohibited explosive, see the How to apply section of this publication.

Important points to note


Under section 11 of the Act, unauthorised explosives or prohibited explosives cannot be manufactured, stored, kept in one's possession, transported, sold or used in Queensland unless permitted under the Act for trial, experiment or examination.

Note: An explosive may be prohibited under the Explosives Act, section 15 of the Explosives Regulation 2017 and where it is listed in schedule 1 of the Explosives Regulation 2017.

An explosives trial approval for the purposes of trial or experiment to manufacture, store, possess, transport, sell or use (all or any of these provisions) in Queensland may be granted by the Chief Inspector upon such terms and conditions as deemed advisable. Trials of unauthorised explosives are generally sought to be undertaken on various sites. When making an application, provide as much of the requested information that can be reasonably obtained and that also meets the requirements of the Chief Inspector. Pay particular attention to Sections 4, 9 and 12 of the application form.

A report of the trial must be submitted to the Chief Inspector within two months of the completion of the trial. A trial may be extended, but a progress report must be submitted before an extension is granted.

At the end of the trial, all unauthorised or prohibited explosives must be destroyed. Unauthorised and prohibited explosives can not exist legally unless they are legitimised by a trial but only for the duration of the trial.


Scheduled fees are listed in Explosives Information Bulletin 37. Fees are charged for authorisation of an explosive only.

How to apply

To declare an authorisation of an explosive, amend an authorised explosive, approve a trial of an unauthorised/prohibited explosive or extend the trial of an unauthorised/prohibited explosive, provide the Explosives Inspectorate with a completed application form. Refer to How to complete the application form for assistance in filling out the form.

If the Chief Inspector declares the explosive an authorised explosive, a notice of decision will be sent to you. If the Chief Inspector decides not to declare the explosive an authorised explosive, an information notice of the decision will be sent to you.

The Chief Inspector will enter the authorised explosive in the register of authorised explosives. This register is published as the List of Authorised Explosives and is available here.

Authorised by Noel Erichsen - Chief Inspector of Explosives


Issued by Resources Safety & Health Queensland

General: This information is a guide only. It is not to be taken as a statement of law and must not be construed to waive or modify any legal obligation.

All information on this page (Authorisation of explosives and trials of unauthorised/prohibited explosives in Queensland - is correct as of time of printing (Jul 16, 2024 2:49 pm).