Operator injured after fall from dump truck ladder | Resources Safety & Health Queensland Skip to content
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Mineral Mines & Quarries Inspectorate | Alert | No.447 V 1 | 30 May 2024

Operator injured after fall from dump truck ladder

What happened?

After climbing part way down a dump truck's access ladder, an operator has fallen to the ground resulting in a broken arm.

How did it happen?

The incident in under investigation; however, the preliminary findings are:

  • A fire extinguisher had been installed adjacent to the handrail of the dump truck's access ladder.
  • The position of the fire extinguisher prevented the handrail from being held while ascending or descending the lower part of the ladder (see Figure 1).
  • The operator was unable to maintain three-points of contact when descending the ladder and fell to the ground.

Key issues

  • Plant selection, design and installation practices and processes at the quarry did not ensure that the installation of the fire extinguisher did not affect safe access and egress.
  • After the fire extinguisher was installed, risk management practices did not identify that three-points of contact was not always possible when ascending or descending the truck's access ladder.


  • Comply with section100(1)(a) of the Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Regulation 2017 to confirm that:
    • plant is fit for its intended use and use in its intended work environment.
    • plant is ergonomically compatible with persons operating plant.
    • plant has appropriate provision for safe access and egress.
  • If plant is repaired or modified in a way that could affect how it's intended to be used, ensure that Sections 110 of the Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Regulation 2017 is complied with.
  • Ensure that pre-start checklists of equipment with access stairs and ladders include checks to detect any deterioration of safety of access and egress to equipment.
  • Ensure that a rule for maintaining three points of contact while ascending or descending a ladder is covered in the induction, written procedures/standard work instructions and risk assessment / job safety analysis / personal risk assessment (e.g. Take 5).

Investigations are ongoing and further information may be published as it becomes available. The information in this publication is what is known at the time of writing.

We issue Safety Notices to draw attention to the occurrence of a serious incident, raise awareness of risks, and prompt assessment of your existing controls.

References and further information

Authorised by Trevor Brown - Chief Inspector – Mineral Mines & Quarries

Contact: Asok Sur, Inspector of Mines

Issued by Resources Safety & Health Queensland

Placement: Place this announcement on noticeboards and ensure all relevant people in your organisation receive a copy, understand the content, findings and recommendations as applicable to their operation. SSEs should validate that recommendations have been implemented.