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Support guides

We regularly review and update our resources and will be adding to this library as new functionality becomes available. Browse our resources below to help you access and use the online health assessment solution, ResHealth.

RH01 - Approved health assessment reports
This video shows all users the new HA report generated in ResHealth, also known as the section 4 in the paper version (1.38 minutes).
*Watch the video

RH02 – Introduction to ResHealth for workers
This video provides an introduction to ResHealth for coal mine workers to assist employers onboarding workers (1.02 minutes).
*Watch the video

For employers

  • ER01 - Employer representative overview
    A short  summary of what is available in ResHealth for employer representative account holders (2.48 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    *Download the ResHealth information for employers

    *Download the Sole trader registration process

    ER02 - Managing access and permissions
    If you are an employer representative with super user access this video shows you how to manage access for other employer representatives who are responsible for managing health assessments (1.56 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    ER03 - Appointing and managing your supervising doctors
    If you are an employer representative this video shows you how to add your contracted supervising doctors to your ResHealth account (1.29 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    ER04 - Initiate a full health assessment
    If you are an employer representative this video shows you how to start a full (including periodic) health assessment for a coal mine worker (2.15 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    ER05 - Starting a subsequent health assessment (review) from a record completed outside ResHealth
    If you are an employer representative this video shows you how to start a subsequent health assessment (also known as a review) where the previous was completed outside of ResHealth (2.12 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    ER06 - Starting a subsequent health assessment (review) from a ResHealth record
    If you are an employer representative this video shows you how to start a subsequent health assessment (also known as a review) where the previous was completed in ResHealth (2.11 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    ER07 - Accessing your ResHealth account as an employer representative
    If you are an employer representative accessing your ResHealth account for the first time this video shows you how to set up your account. The way you set up your account will depend on whether you are accessing an existing company account, or are setting up a new company account (3.41 minutes).
    *Watch the video

For medical professionals

  • Examination

    DRE01 - Examining Medical Officer overview
    This video shows you the examining doctor account profile, how to navigate ResHealth and takes you through the health assessment examination section (3.48 minutes).  
    *Watch the video

    DRE02 - Examining Medical Officer finding an examination to complete
    This video shows you the examining doctor account profile, how to navigate ResHealth and takes you through the health assessment examination section (1.25 minutes).  
    *Watch the video

    DRE03 - Setting up and using the practice data entry function
    This video shows you how practice teams contribute to the examination stage of a health assessment (9.35 minutes).  
    *Watch the video

    DRE05 - Examining doctor completes a subsequent examination
    This video shows you the examining doctor how to complete a subsequent (review) examination (1.36 minutes).  
    *Watch the video

    DRE06 - Examining Medical Officer completing a health assessment that was sent back to examination
    This video shows how ResHealth appears for you the examining doctor if the health assessment was sent back to the examination stage for more information by the appointed medical adviser (0.59 minutes).  
    *Watch the video

    DRE07 - Examining doctor reuses a previous health assessment which was completed outside of ResHealth
    This video shows you the examining doctor how to reuse a previous health assessment which was completed outside of ResHealth (1.47 minutes).  
    *Watch the video

    DRE08 - Reusing a previous health assessment where the parent was completed in ResHealth
    This video shows you the examining doctor how to reuse a previous health assessment which was completed in ResHealth (2.27 minutes).  
    *Watch the video

    DRE09 - How to use spirometry completed on paper to formulate a new health assessment
    This video shows you the examining doctor re-using spirometry that was previously completed as part of a paper health assessment (1.56 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    DRE11 - Examining doctor re-uses an X-ray completed using a paper health assessment
    This video shows you the examining doctor re-using an X-ray that was previously completed as part of a paper health assessment (1.57 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    DRE12 - Examining doctor re-uses an X-ray completed in ResHealth to formulate a new health assessment
    This video shows you the examining doctor re-using an X-ray that was previously completed as part of a ResHealth health assessment  (1.36 minutes).
    *Watch the video


    DRA01 - Supervising doctor overview
    This video shows you the supervising doctor account profile, how to navigate ResHealth and takes you through the assessment section (3.14 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    DRA02 - Appointed medical adviser finds a health assessment to complete the examination
    This video shows you the supervising doctor account profile, how to navigate ResHealth to find a health assessment to start the examination (1.41 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    DRA03 - An appointed medical adviser finds a health assessment for the assessment
    This video shows you how the supervising doctor finds a health assessment to start the assessment (1.51 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    DRA06 - An appointed medical adviser completes the assessment when previous spirometry has been used
    This video shows you how the supervising doctor starts an assessment and what they will see when previous spirometry has been used for the examination (0.45 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    DRA08 - Appointed medical adviser send back to examination
    This video shows you the supervising doctor how you can choose to send the health assessment back to the examination status for more information by the examining doctor (1.31 minutes)
    *Watch the video

    Amending a completed health assessment

    Fact sheets for an AMA to make amendments to a completed health assessment
    These fact sheets take the AMA through how to make amendments to a health assessment they have previously completed. (We recommend using this link to access the most current version)
    *View the fact sheets

For workers

  • W01 - Worker overview
    This video provides an overview of the worker account profile and how to complete their section of the health assessment (3.20 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    *Download the worker registration process

    W02 - Finding information in your ResHealth account
    This video provides a guide to locating further information in your ResHealth account (1.23 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    W03 – Completing your health assessment
    This video provides a guide to working your way through your section of the health assessment (4.47 minutes).
    *Watch the video

    W04 – Self-employed worker registration

    This resource guides you through registration as a self-employed worker.
    *Download the sole trader registration process

Last updated: 22 Feb 2024