Industry leader briefings reinforce the need for change | Resources Safety & Health Queensland Skip to content

Industry leader briefings reinforce the need for change

04 May 2022

Resources Safety & Health Queensland (RSHQ) today released its annual briefing for the resources industry to provoke thought, discussion and action from industry leaders.

RSHQ CEO Mark Stone said that the regulator’s annual briefing provides an overview of industry safety and health performance, as well as insights from each inspectorate on where industry can focus in order to reduce serious harm to workers.

“As a risk-based regulator we prioritise our activities on the risk to workers and the community.

“We are focussed on outcomes such as serious accident reduction, effective risk control, and increased industry reporting and sharing of high potential incidents,” he said.

Mr Stone said that this year’s briefing includes key messages from the Honourable Scott Stewart, Minister for Resources, and an update from Dr Sean Brady, author of the 2020 review into mining and quarrying fatalities.

“The Brady Review has guided much of RSHQ’s work over the past two years and we welcome Dr Brady’s observations over the two years since its release and candid thoughts about the industry’s challenges going forward.

“Dr Brady’s emphasis on the need for senior leaders in the industry to engage more with high reliability organisational thinking, and for the regulator to visibly encourage industry reporting and sharing of high potential incidents, is incredibly topical and should be on everyone’s agenda.

“RSHQ will continue to focus its resources on reducing serious harm in the resources sector through a risk-based approach to regulation and we hope these briefings provoke discussion and feedback at every level of an organisations throughout the industry,” he said.

The 2022 RSHQ Industry Leaders Briefing is available via the RSHQ website.

Last updated: 04 May 2022