Impact Analysis Statements | Resources Safety & Health Queensland Skip to content

Impact Analysis Statements

Under The Queensland Government Better Regulation Policy (the policy), RSHQ must publish all Impact Analysis Statements (IAS) for regulatory proposals on the RSHQ website following final approval by the relevant decision-making body.

The policy outlines the Queensland Government requirements for the development and review of regulations and an IAS is an assessment of a regulatory proposal.

Prior to the introduction of IAS in September 2023, regulatory impact statements undertaken by RSHQ were published by the Office of Best Practice Regulation. These past statements are available on the Queensland Treasury website.

Resources Safety and Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

This regulatory proposal introduces preventative and proactive reforms to improve the Queensland resources sector’s safety and health performance to reduce the occurrence of fatalities and serious accidents.

Information Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

This regulatory proposal amends the definition of ‘union’ under the Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 as the Mining and Energy Union withdrew from the Construction Forestry Maritime Mining and Energy Union in December 2023.

Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Amendment Regulation 2023

This regulatory proposal relates to airborne contaminant exposure limits, specifically addressing welding fumes, respirable crystalline silica and diesel particulate matter.

Petroleum and Gas (Safety) (Fee Unit Conversion) Amendment Regulation 2023

This regulatory proposal corrected a drafting error to methane/biogas fees under the Petroleum and Gas (Safety) Regulation 2018.

Last updated: 16 Jul 2024