ResHealth | Resources Safety & Health Queensland Skip to content



ResHealth is the online system for the health assessment process under the Coal Mine Workers' Health Scheme. All health assessments must be completed on ResHealth.

ResHealth lets you submit, monitor, and review your assessment progress securely online.

ResHealth is readily available for all employers, workers, and medical professionals within the Queensland Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme.

ResHealth is one of many Queensland Government online services that require a customer login and uses the secure QGov platform to verify an individual’s digital identity.

If you are an employer or medical professional and would like to find out more about ResHealth and how to start using the platform, please contact the ResHealth Team.

Note: The way you access your ResHealth account has changed. The new sign-in process includes multi-factor authentication to enhance security on your account.

If your last sign-in was before 11 February, please review this video for assistance with accessing your account.

QGov is changing, review this video to get ready for Queensland Digital Identity (QDI). please visit the QDI website for more information about transitioning from the QGov identity system.

to your ResHealth account

Resources for you

  • Worker

  • Employer

  • Medical professional